Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week 13

This week I put together my manifesto site using the knowledge I learned about media queries. The fonts used in this site were Raleway in regular and bold for headers and Source Code Pro for the body copy. I used the html span tag to emphasize certain words in color in each of my three points that I talk about. For mobile testing, I used Chrome's Dev tool to simulate different screen resolutions and make adjustments accordingly. Once my site was built and everything was responsive, I went back in and added webkit animations as well as a custom cursor through scripting. I really wanted this to be a site that was both an interesting read and fun to interact with.

Final Project Proposal

For this project, I intend to create a website that utilizes the font I created. The website will serve as an introduction to the font and will provide a download link. When visitors view the site, they will be greeted by a short animation featuring the name of the typeface, ‘Amateur Blueprint’. Afterwards, they will scroll down and read about what inspired it, possible use cases, and optimal sizes for reading it. Below the body text will be a text box that allows users to test the font before they decide to download. Provided I have enough time, I may also create additional glyphs for my font and expand upon it.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 12

This week there were 3 web typography exercises I completed. The first was about using web fonts to easily change typefaces on a web page. The two fonts I chose for this assignment were 'Righteous' for the headers and 'Fauna One' for the body copy. Another was about the different classifications and gave insight as to where to find quality fonts online and how to organize your collection. The last and most tedious exercise was creating a responsive web page with three different states using media queries. I learned that media queries can set different page properties based on the size of the browser window. That means if you are on a device with a smaller screen, your page will size itself accordingly and rearrange content.